We just got back from the best weekend with friends, camping on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. It is a beautiful short 4 hour drive across the reservation and back up to 8,000 ft. Four families went together to ride bikes, hike, hang out and drink some beer. The days were warm, the nights were cool. The pictures don't do the weekend justice. We camped right on the rim ( not 20 feet from the big hole) at a mid point on the Rainbow Trail. Some say the trail is the best mountain biking trail in the United States.
Margaret played with Mei and Kellen, rode her bike through camp, drove a fire truck, and had multiple picnics. We are lucky to have such wonderful friends in our lives who treat our daughter like their own. Such kindness, we feel like they are family. Needless to say, we all had a wonderful time.
Don't forget the video at the end. It captures the whole feeling for Margaret.
North Rim: Locust Point.
Early morning on the rim. All sunggled in our puffies.
The girls washing up.
Daddy post 35 mile bike ride. It was a warm day and the beer was well deserved.
Kellen's soldiers keeping watch over our camp.
Our second night at the canyon.
Tent time with daddy. Reading stories, putting on jammies, bed time.
Mei came to get Margaret from our tent and then they walked over to the eating area. SO CUTE!
Daddy, Margaret and Chris.
For those of you in the know, we're singing "See the Pony" and teaching it to Sara and Mei.
Cleaning up the tent on the last day. She had tons of fun playing in the tent.
Biking around camp.
Margaret took this one of her daddy. (with a little help)
Driving the Park Service Fire Truck. Chris (her godfather) in the Deputy Fire Management Office for the canyon. He brought the truck after joining us post fire.
Milkshakes at Jacob Lake. A post North Rim MUST!
Cleaning up the cooler after we get home. Such a helper.