Checking out the snow falling.

Our quick outfit for just running outside. Snow is so much fun!

Music Together Class with Gram.

Sandbox time playing with Gram (even though you can't see her.)

Playing at the kitchen in the public library with Gram.

Opening presents with Gram and Pops. She got books, a boat for the tub (she named the captain, Captain Brody), puzzles, clothes from Ireland, puppets and kitchen supplies. Her grandparents are so generous. We were so busy opening presents and having an early Christmas that we forgot to take pictures. Margaret is an excellent gift receiver.

Playground with Gram, Pops and Daddy. Great snowy sliding and swinging.

Helping Mommy make lentil soup for our guests on a cold snowy day. Notice we're all dressed for success.

The tree outside where we went to see Santa. She was super shy at first and then was able to sit in Santa's lap. The funny thing is now she can't stop talking about it and how she sat in his lap.

We are so glad Gram and Pops came to visit for the holidays. We had such a wonderful, relaxing time with them and can't wait to see them again.