Birthday breakfast in our jammies. One set of grandparents was already here and we were just waiting for the second set to arrive.

In our birthday dress and crown ready to party.

Margaret got right into opening presents. We spaced things out throughout the day so she would maintain happy baby. The day went, snacks, present, nap, repeat. On this one the inside gift was a busy box. It was a hit, but no gift (except the balloons) could compare to the mardi gras beads. Hours of play with the beads.

This is our excited baby after she got her pillow pet. It's a pillow, it's a pet, it's a pillow pet.

Kisses to pillow pet.

Skyping with Aunt Sarah to tell her how much we love the pillow pet.

Birthday girl and Grammy!

Birthday girl, Gram and the busy box.

Ladybug cake, made by Mommy. No sugar, apple cake. Actually really good.

The icing was her favorite part. She ended up really getting into the cake. YUM!

What a fun day! Margaret was an excellent host and gift receiver. She loved her beads, balloons, dolly, busy box, pillow pet and little chair.
Happy 1st Birthday to Miss Margaret! She gets cuter every day!