This is our sailor dress from Gram and Pops. We decided to wear it for the egg hunt at their house. Margaret REALLY got into finding the eggs and putting them into her basket. The hunt went on for a while because Gram would move the eggs to a new spot. We finally ended when Margaret decided to bang the eggs together. Gram has hard boiled them and dyed them so luckily little M didn't get egg all over herself.

We are now post hunt with mommy. Notice Margaret still has on her bloomers from the dress and she is wearing the baby leggings for warmth.

Later in the day, we changed outfits and took the dogs for a walk in our little red wagon. Too bad we just made it beyond this shot. Margaret wouldn't sit down and then it was time for dinner. I think we made it 1/10 of a mile.

We had the most amazing time at the aquarium. For anyone who hasn't been there, the Atlanta Aquarium is worth a trip. They have so many different aquatic zones. Margaret's favorite places were the huge ocean tank with the four whale sharks (Ocean Voyage), the Cold Water Experience with the beluga whales, penguins and sea otters and then the Amazon River Basin with the tunnel to crawl through under the river. Hands down, the otters were her favorite.

This is the tunnel with the moving sidewalk that goes under the huge ocean tank.

The 30 foot wall of water accessing the ocean tank. Margaret loved it! She also loved the lighted stairs that led to the auditorium seating area just behind this shot.

A peep hole in the Amazon River Basin tunnel. She walked through while daddy crawled behind her.

After a full morning and lunch, we decided to head on as little one became sleepy. What a day!

Just outside the aquarium waiting for Daddy. He was buying M a stuffed penguin at the gift shop. ( I know, we shouldn't buy her stuff. It was just because it was her first visit.) While waiting, Margaret got lots of compliments on how she wore a fishy shirt to the aquarium.

Playing in Gram and Pops' back yard. What a fun day. They have lots of room to run. Hard to believe Margaret isn't even 13 months yet. She is a busy little girl.
I love this post! So many fun pictures!